Throughout the creative journey, there arises a moment when the artist is engulfed by a sudden surge of abundance. This is The Moment when one briefly grasps inner fulfillment, touches a mystical parallel realm, and, through observation, song, play, enactment, sketch, or dance, perfectly articulates what had been buried, muted, or concealed deep within – the yearning and aspiration. It's an intense spark, a quieted mind, a decelerated pulse, dilated pupils, a fleeting touch of that enveloping, soothing inner radiance. It's a moment of healing.
The photographic series 'Prasiveržk' ('Breakthrough') emerged from unhurried, contemplative photo sessions. I patiently awaited those aforementioned moments of creative abundance and 'breakthrough,' moments that enveloped not only the photographer but also the subjects. These images are borne from an intimate listening to the intuition harbored in the heart's space. The protagonists in these frames are dancers, musicians, and actors hailing from the southernmost city of France, Montpellier, where I embarked on my early photographic ventures and unearthed the transformative potency of collective creativity.
The photographs come alive for dialogue through the enchantment of a sound installation crafted in collaboration with sound director Laurynas Kamarauskas. The subjects encapsulated in the frames recount their experiences in reaching an ecstatic phase while being involved in the act of creation.

The exhibition hopes to express an immense gratitude towards the featured artists from Montpellier, for their supporting energy and desire to spread the healing power of creation by fostering collaboration and friendship between artists from all around the world. Having spent numerous years journeying far from my homeland, these photographs stand as a beacon of hope and a testament to the aspiration to connect and build bridges between Lithuanian artists and those encountered during my wanderings.
Exhibition in the Church Of The Holy Mother Of God Of Consolation (Svc. Mergeles Marijos Ramintojos Baznycia) in Vilnius, Lithuania, 2020-09-24 within the frame of Culture night Vilnius